When i was a child, one of the most difficult question that came out of my mind is "What is life?". By consulting Mr. Webster, he defines life as "(1)a characteristic state or mode of living; (2) the course of existence of an individual;the action and events that occur in living" while Wikipedia says "Life is a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have self-sustaining biological processes from those which do not" which are all correct. On the other hand, there is still no specific or universal definition for life. Until now, to define life in an equivocal or specific term is still challenge for the scientists as the definition should be sufficiently broad that would define life with which we are familiar.
Before we get started, i just want to cite some words from an interview of a seventy-two-year-old woman about life.
"If I had my life to live again, I would dare to make more mistakes
next time. I would relax. I would be sillier. I would take fewer things
seriously... I would eat more ice cream and less beans. I would perhaps
have more troubles but fewer imaginary ones. You see, I'm one of those
people who lived seriously and sanely hour after hour, day after day.
I've been one of those persons who never went away any place without a
thermometer, a hot water bottle, a raincoat, and a parachute. If I had
to do it over again. I'd travel lighter."
These are some of the true to life experiences that other people may encounter at the latter part of their lives. We can avoid this by integrating our life into one great,productive and meaningful whole. How to do it? First we must understand whats the meaning of life is. For me, life is not about achieving power, wealth, or anything. Life for me is about love, loving and being loved. It is true that anything you do without love is useless. To live a useful and meaningful life, live with love.
Everybody wants a successful and meaningful life. They will do their best to achieve it. It is a reality that people keep living their life to the fullest is the preoccupation with one or two aspects of daily life. People's goal are to try to be successful in everyday life. You cannot call your self successful when your business or career is growing but your family is failing. Success in life must be balance in terms of priorities, attitude and goals. Speaking of priorities, you should ask me what to prioritize first?.
Well, for me the best paradigm in terms of prioritization is the 10 commandments of our Lord God which were written in the Book of Exodus chapter 20 of the Old Testament in the Holy Bible. If you will read that chapter, the first commandment was to serve and love God and the other commandments pertains to love your family, neighbors and other people around you as well as your self. To have the best priorities in life, always put God first. What ever your perception of God is, He must be the center of your life to provide you with the healthy balance life you need. Don't ever put your self first, you will end up frustrated. You are not God, and you are not good and no one is. So put God first in your priorities. Second is your family and your self and third is your neighbor or other people.
Probably, right now you know whats the true meaning of life and how to live successfully with it ? And if you do all of this things starting today you are starting a meaningful and successful life and erase any " I wish I would have's" questions in your mind.
Have a meaningful life.
In order to have a meaningful life, we need to strengthen our relationship to our ever dearest Creator and do good for ourselves and for other people..